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Swisspeers Statistics

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Peer-to-Peer Lending
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Funding Volume History (CHF)

Swisspeers Funding Volumes Summary

The funding volume of Swisspeers in May 2024 was CHF3.61m, an increase of 57.09% compared to the same month last year. Its current total funding volume is CHF167.78m since launching in July 2016. During the last 12 months the platform has funded CHF31.46m, an average of CHF2.62m every month. This is an increase of 5.75% compared to having funded CHF29.75m during the previous 12 months.

Dataset last updated: 31.05.2024

Total Funding VolumeCHF 167.78m
May 2024 Funding VolumeCHF3.61m
Avg. Monthly Funding Volume 12 monthsCHF2.62m
12 Months LowCHF1.35m
12 Months HighCHF4.95m