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Heavy Finance Statistics

Agriculture & Farming
Peer-to-Peer Lending
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29 months
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Funding Volume History (EUR)

Heavy Finance Funding Volumes Summary

The funding volume of Heavy Finance in June 2024 was €0.71m, a decrease of -53.15% compared to the same month last year. Its current total funding volume is €56.85m since launching in June 2020. During the last 12 months the platform has funded €17.22m, an average of €1.44m every month. This is an increase of 10.23% compared to having funded €15.63m during the previous 12 months.

Dataset last updated: 30.06.2024

Total Funding Volume€56.85m
June 2024 Funding Volume€0.71m
Avg. Monthly Funding Volume 12 months€1.44m
12 Months Low€0.71m
12 Months High€2.80m