Funding Report for April 2024

May 10th, 2024
14 minutes read

Online funding amounts for April surpass €280 million!

April 2024 Market Highlights

  • Total funding in April 2024: €281,588,507.
  • April 2024 was 7% lower than last month.
  • April 2024 was 5% higher than the same month last year.
  • April's funding distribution across categories revealed:
    • Consumer Debt: €250M (↘ -8%)
    • SME Business Debt: €5M (↘ -26%)
    • Real Estate Debt: €25M (↗ 18%)

April 2024 Milestones

  • Žltý Melón surpa sses €50M in loans since its inception.
  • SAVY, and Debitum both exceed the €100M total funding milestone.
  • Esketit breaks through the €500M mark in funding.
  • Estateguru proudly reaches €800M in total funded loans. Congratulations!
    • We welcomed a new reporter: VIAINVEST the Latvia-based resale marketplace lending platform offering personal loans.
    • Stikcredit and Bergfürst analyses have been updated.

Direct Crowdfunding: April 2024 Funding Amounts

Here is the amount of capital raised on each direct crowdfunding platform over the past month:

PlatformFunding AmountC ategoryLicense
€12,724,573 (↗ 97%) 
Real Estate DebtConsumer Credit (ELS)
€9,689,898 (↗ 6%) 
Multi-sectorInvestment Service Provider
€5,468,817 (↘ -20%) 
Real Estate DebtEuropean Crowdfunding Service Provider
€5,118,700 (↗ 11%) 
Real Estate DebtEurop ean Crowdfunding Service Provider
NEO Finance 
€4,218,29 5 (↘ -2%) 
Personal DebtElectronic Money Institution
€2,421,630 (↗ 6%)
Multi-sectorEuropean Crowdfunding Service Provider
€1,751,365 (↘ -2%) 
Small Business DebtSelf Regulatory Organization
CG24 Group 
€1,154,565 (↘ -58%) 
Multi-sectorSelf Regulatory Organization
Heavy Finance  
€962,790 (↗ 33%) 
Agriculture & FarmingEuropean Crowdfunding Service Provider
€817,346 (↘ -17%) 
Agriculture & FarmingEuropean Crowdfunding Service Provider
Žltý Melón 
€787,093 (↘ -7%) 
Personal DebtSmall Payment Institution
€690,646 (↗ 36%) 
Real Estate DebtNo license
€628,200 (↗ 12%) 
Real Estate DebtEuropean Crowdfunding Service Provider
€36 4,190 (↗ 20%) 
Persona l DebtFinancial Institution
Stock Est ate 
€0 (↘ -100%) 
Real Estate DebtEuropean Crowdfunding Service Provider
€0 (→ 0%) 
Real Estate DebtEuropean Crowdfunding Service Provider

Loan Reselling Platforms: April 2024 Funding Amounts

Here is the amount of capital raised on each marketplace reselling loans over the past month:

PlatformFunding AmountCategoryLicense
€102,759,167 (↘ -3% ) 
Loan OriginatorsInvestme nt Service Provider


€45,516,054 (↘ -31%)
Loan OriginatorsNo license
€27,372,083 (↗ 10%) 
Loan OriginatorsNo license
Robocash  ;
€23,547,245 (↘ -6%) 
Loan OriginatorsNo license
€17,823,825 (↗ 2%) 
Loan OriginatorsNo license
€5,286,045 (↗ 10%) 
Loan OriginatorsInvestment Service Provider
Income Marketplace 
€4, 665,751 (↗ 16%) 
Loan OriginatorsNo license
Lendermarke t 
€2,229,519 (↘ -50%) 
Loan OriginatorsNo license
Kviku Finance 
€1,767,382 (↗ 1% ) 
Loan OriginatorsNo licen se
€1,690,000 (↘ -53%) 
Loan OriginatorsInvestment Service Provider
€1,576,069 (↗ 4%) 
Loan OriginatorsNo license
Nectar o 
€458,522 (↗ 129%) 
Loan OriginatorsInvestment Service Provider
€64,261 (↗ 6%) 
Loan OriginatorsI nvestment Service Provider
€34,470 (↘ -37%) 
Loan OriginatorsNo license

Total funding amount over the last year (€ million)

Here is the development in capital raised over the past 12 months:

Funding amount by category and license in April 2024

Here is a breakdown of the capital raised on all platforms participating in the monthly funding report of April 2024, categorized by platform and licensing status:

Funding amount by category

Funding amount by license

*The data contained in this report is directly provided by the third-party companies and has not been independently verified by P2PMarketData. This data is submitted either manually via the Platform Portal or through API integration.