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GLS Crowd

Small Business Debt
Peer-to-Peer Lending
Explore GLS Crowd

What is GLS Crowd?

GLS Crowd is a peer-to-peer lending platform from Germany. GLS Crowd serves as an online community for investing in small business debt starting at €250, and enables borrowers to receive funding directly from investors. The investments are denominated in EUR and are available for retail investors. The company behind the platform is GLS Crowdfunding GmbH which was founded in 2016 with its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Minimum Investment
Projected Returns
Moderate (4 - 9%)
Public Statistics
Mobile Application
Auto Invest
Secondary Market
Buyback Guarantee
Open to investors
Open to borrowers

What does GLS Crowd offer?

At GLS Crowd, you can make EUR-denominated investments starting from €250.

GLS Crowd doesn’t disclose statistics about its funded loans and does not share its monthly funding volumes with P2PMarketData.

GLS Crowd Details

Legal Company Name
GLS Crowdfunding GmbH
Business ID
HRB 106668
Main Currency
Euro (€)
Headquarters Location
Founded Date
October 2016