Wegood? System INC. logo



People are quitting their jobs everywhere – some call it "The Great Resignation". Others essentially "quit" (effort and engagement) while still coming to work - some call that "Quiet Quitting". We've invented the antidote! We started a company called High Quality Leadership (HQL). Started to develop more successful leaders and employees. The company's foundation stems from a scholarly theory called High Quality Leadership Theory, invented by one of our founders. The theory, HQLT (for short), is unique and one-of-a-kind in the vast ocean of leadership literature. A KEY product of HQL, based on HQLT, is a transformational new Smartphone App called "WeGood?" available on the Apple and Google Play App Stores. "WeGood?" is the #1 App on the market, targeted to specifically "engage, appreciate, and retain" frontline hourly employees and their bosses. WeGood? was developed by our WeGood? research scientists. It is now patent pending. US Patent approval is expected within the next 12 to 18 months. We believe WeGood? and its underlying HQL theory is so potent, that when fully deployed nationally, it will raise the GPD of the USA by 1% point (approximately $200 billion). We believe this to our core because it that revolutionary and powerful!

  • San Antonio, United States of America
  • Legal Name:   Wegood? System INC.
  • Company ID:  
  • Year Founded:   2024
  • Industry:   Management Consulting
  • Website:   https://wegood.io
  • SEC Filings


CF Valuation
Total Raised


Profit Margin
2022: 0%
Current Ratio
2022: ∞

Revenue Growth