MakeLoveNotPorn is Pro-sex. Pro-porn. Pro-knowing the difference. We're the world's first user-generated, human-curated social sex video-sharing platform, celebrating #realworldsex as a counterpoint to porn, with the aim of socializing sex - making it easier for everyone to talk about, in order to promote good sexual values and good sexual behavior. We're what Facebook would be if Facebook allowed everyone to socially sexually self-identify and self-express (which sadly, they don't). MLNP was founded by former advertising executive Cindy Gallop, who dates younger men and realized through personal experience that when we don't talk openly and honestly about sex in the real world, porn becomes sex education by default. In 2009, Cindy launched the original iteration of MLNP - ‘Porn World vs Real World' with a TED talk that went viral. The extraordinary global response made her realize she'd uncovered a huge global social issue, and she turned MLNP into a business designed to do good and make money simultaneously - mlnp.tv.
- New York, United States of America
- Legal Name: Make Love Not Porn LLC
- Company ID: 45-3501796
- Year Founded: —
- Industry: Online Media
- Website: —
- SEC Filings